Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory

Index to Book 3

Chapter 1

Quintilian proposes to consider the various branches and precept of oratory more fully than they are generally set forth in treatises on the art, a part of his work more desirable for students than agreeable to them, § 1-4. Diversities of opinions and methods, 5-7. Various writers on the art; the Greeks, 8-15. Followers of Hermagoras, Apollodorus, Theodorus, 16-18. The Romans, 19-21. Quintilian will give his own opinion on matters as they occur, 22.

Chapter 2

Of the origin of oratory, § 1, 2. Nature and art, 3. Objection to Cicero's notion, 4.

Chapter 3

Divisions of the art of Oratory, § 1-3. Various opinions respecting them, 4, 5. Cicero's not always the same, 6, 7. Opinions of some Greek writers, 8, 9. Of the order of the division or parts, 10. Whether they should be called parts, or works, or elements, 11.

Chapter 4

Whether there are three sorts of oratory, or more, § 1-3. Quintilian adheres to the old opinion that there are but three; his reasons, 4-8. Opinions of Anaximenes, Plato, Isocrates, 9-11. Quintilian's own method, 12-15. He does not assign particular subjects to each kind, 16.

Chapter 5

Division into things and words; other divisions, § 1-3. Questions concerning what is written and what is not written, 4. Definite and indefinite questions, 5-7. Species of indefinite ones, 8-11. Questions on general subjects not useless, 12-16. Definition of a cause, 17, 18.

Chapter 6

Of the status or position of a cause, § 1-4. What it is, 5-12. From whom the position proceeds, the accuser or defendant, 13-21. How many positions there are; the ten categories of Aristotle, 22-24. Others make nine, others seven, 25-28. As to the number of positions, some make one only, 29, 30. Others two, as Archidemus, Pamphilus, Apollodorus, Theodorus, Posidonius, Cornelius Celsus, 31-38. Another mode of making two positions, 40-43. Most authors make three, as Cicero, Patrocles, Marcus Antonius Virginius, 44-46. Athenaeus, Caecilius, and Theon make four, 45-48. The quadripartite methods of Aristotle and Cicero, 49, 50. Some have made five, six, seven, eight positions, 51-54. Distinction of status rationales, quoestiones legales , 55-57. Cicero speaks of a status negotialis, 58, 59. Hermagoras first introduced exception, 60.60. Legal questions; Albutius, 61, 62. Quintilian departs in some degree from the method which he formerly adopted, 63-67. His opinion of exception; remarks upon it, 68-79. In every cause there are three points to be ascertained, 80-82. A fourfold division, useful to learners, 83-85. These four points included under two genera, the rationale and the legale, 86, 87. Resemblances in the genus legale spring from the three points above-mentioned, 88-90. In every simple cause there is but one position, 91-93. In complex causes there are several positions, either of the same or of different kinds; examples, 94-104.

Chapter 7

Of panegyric or laudatory eloquence; not wholly distinct from practical discussion, § 1, 2. An orator does not always speak on doubtful points, 3, 4. Panegyric sometimes requires proof and defense, and very frequently amplification, 5, 6. Praise of the gods, 7-9. Praise of men more varied, 10, 11. Men extolled for personal endowments and fortunate circumstances, 12-14. For mental qualifications, 15, 16. For memorials which they leave of themselves, 17, 18. In censure the ease is reversed, 19-21. On praise of the living, 22. It makes a difference where a panegyric is delivered, 23, 24. Advantage may be taken by the orator of the proximity of certain virtues to certain vices, 25. Praise of cities, places, public works, 26, 27. What position most prevailed in this department of oratory, 28.

Chapter 8

Deliberative oratory not confined to questions of utility, § 1. Whether nothing is useful but what is honorable, 2, 3. Deliberative oratory not concerned wholly with the position of quality, 4, 5. What kind of exordium requisite in it, 6-9. Statement of facts, 10, 11. The passions to be moved, 12, 13. Whether it solely concerns affairs of government, 14. That a thing can be done, is either certain or uncertain, 17-21. The three topics of persuasion, 22-26. Some do not distinguish topics from divisions of topics, 27, 28. The pleasing, the useful, and the honorable, 29-35. Use of examples, 36, 37. How things that are honorable may be recommended, and sometimes such as are at variance with honor, 38-47. Authority of the speaker, 48. Prosopopeiae, 49-51. In the schools, deliberative subjects have a great resemblance to controversies, 52-57. An error into which declaimers fall, 58-66. Advantage of reading history, 67-70.

Chapter 9

Of judicial oratory, the departments of it often injudiciously increased; the proper number is five, § 1-6. The order to be observed in speaking and writing, 7-9.

Chapter 10

A cause rests either on one point of controversy, or on several; on points of the same or of different kinds, § 1, 2. Comparison, 3, 4. We must first settle the kind of cause; what points are to be considered next, 5.

Chapter 11

Hermagoras's method of proceeding; the question, § 1-3. The mode of defense, 4-6. The point for decision, 7, 8. The ground or substance of the cause, 9. The question and the point for decision may be conjoined or separate, according to the nature of the cause, 10-17. Opinions of Cicero, 18-20. Hermagoras too fond of nice subdivisions, 21-25. Method of Theodorus, 26, 27. Conclusion, 28.

Lee Honeycutt (honeycuttlee@gmail.com) Last modified:5/21/2004