Tourists, Custer National Battlefield

While I was videotaping the kids at the Custer memorial, suddenly they shouted, "Look behind you, it's Grandpa!".
A natural result of land cessions by the Indians to the U. S. Government
was the establishment of reservations for the natives. This was necessary
not only in order to provide them with homes and with land for cultivation,
but to avoid disputes in regard to boundaries and to bring them, more easily
under control of the Government by confining them to given limits. This
policy, which has been followed in Canada under both French and English
control, and also to some extent by the colonies, was inaugurated by the
United States in 1786. It may be attributed primarily to the increase of
white population and the consequent necessity of confining the aboriginal
population to narrower limits. This involved a very important, even radical,
change in the habits and customs of the Indians, and was the initiatory step
toward a reliance upon agricultural pursuits for subsistence.
While I was videotaping the kids at the Custer memorial, suddenly they shouted, "Look behind you, it's Grandpa!".