Current Issue

Editorial Board and Review Process

The Kairos Editorial Review Process

The most unique feature of Kairos—our editorial review process—includes three distinct tiers, or stages of review.

Tier One
When the editors receive a submission, they evaluate it, deciding if it is indeed appropriate for Kairos. To evaluate the potential quality and scholarly merit of the proposed work, it is then reviewed by a team of editors during a monthly Teir 1 Review meeting. This review will determine whether the submission is ready to enter our formal editorial review process. We provide feedback to the author(s) if it is not yet ready for the next stage of review. If it is ready, then the submission is promoted to Tier Two.
Tier Two
The entire editorial board discusses the submission for two-to-three weeks, coming to a collaborative assessment of its quality and potential to be published in Kairos. The board uses the following Peer-Review Heuristic when reviewing submissions:
  • CONTRIBUTION: Does the webtext clarify its contribution to that academic conversation and describe that contribution sufficiently, such as through some overarching argument or point woven throughout? (Keep in mind the section expectations highlighted above.)
  • RHETORIC/DESIGN: Does the rhetoric, design, and code cohere in ways that forward the argument? Does the webtext include media assets that forward its goals/claims? What could be done to improve the webtext’s accessibility and usability?
  • METHODOLOGY: Is the overall contribution clearly supported by relevant methods and evidence (whether or not there's a specific methodology, experimental design, or anti-racist method employed)?
  • CITATIONS: Does the author cite inclusively? That is, does the scholarly review (if appropriate) draw from a range of relevant feminist and cultural rhetorical traditions, include scholars from multiple identities (gender, race, disability) if known, or include research in multiple forms (open v. closed-access)?
The editors use this discussion to compile a review letter along with an overview pointing out specific areas of critique to focus on and send this information to the authors (typically within three months of submission).
NOTE: If a text is accepted (or accepted with revisions), the webtext proceeds (upon successful completion of revisions) to publication. If the text is not accepted, authors who are asked to revise and resubmit are given the opportunity to continue with a Tier Three review/mentorship.
Tier Three
The editors assign a staff member to work with authors, as needed, to guide/facilitate revisions based on the editorial board's comments and evaluation. This mentoring can last up to three months. Once Tier Three revisions are complete, the author resubmits the text for a Tier Two review and the process starts again. While advancement to a Tier Three review is not a guarantee of publication, it does reflect a significant investment in the submission. Our intention is to publish the webtext if the author or authors complete the revisions requested in consultation with the editors and editorial board.

Editorial Review Board

Elisabetta Adami
University of Leeds

Daniel Anderson
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Kristin Arola
Michigan State University

Anthony Atkins
University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Samantha Blackmon
Purdue University

Kristine Blair
Duquesne University

Tiffany Bourelle
University of New Mexico

Tracy Bridgeford
University of Nebraska - Omaha

Tessa Brown
Germ Network

Janine Butler
Rochester Institute of Technology

Antonio Byrd
University of Missouri-Kansas City

Geoffrey Carter
Saginaw Valley State University

Chen Chen
Utah State University

Jill Chihak
Frostburg State University

Christina V. Cedillo
University of Houston - Clear Lake

Gail Corso
Neumann University, Emerita

Jennifer deWinter
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Harley Ferris
University of Findlay

Kathy Fitch
Northern Illinois University

Wilfredo Flores
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Jeffrey R. Galin
Florida Atlantic University

John Gallagher
University of Illinois

Matt Gold
The Graduate Center - CUNY

Laura Gonzales
University of Florida

McKinley Green
George Mason University

Alexandra Hidalgo
University of Pittsburgh

Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq
Virginia Tech

Cynthia Jeney
Independent Scholar

John Jones
Ohio State University

Erin Karper
Niagara University

Stephanie L. Kerschbaum
University of Washington

Amy C. Kimme Hea
University of Arizona

Virginia Kuhn
University of Southern California

Bonnie Kyburz
North Central College

Karen Lunsford
University of California Santa Barbara

Louis Maraj
University of British Columbia

Ben McCorkle
Ohio State University - Marion

Megan McIntyre
University of Arkansas

Heidi McKee
Miami University of Ohio

Cara Marta Messina
Marist College

Lilian Mina
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Zarah C. Moeggenberg
Metro State University

Derek Mueller
Virginia Tech

Joddy Murray
Texas Christian University

Alex Reid
SUNY Buffalo

Colleen Reilly
University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Rich Rice
Texas Tech University

Jim Ridolfo
University of Kentucky

David Rieder
North Carolina State University

Shelley Rodrigo
University of Arizona

Michael J. Salvo
Purdue University

Peter Sands
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Jennifer Sano-Franchini
West Virginia University

Jentery Sayers
University of Victoria

Jennifer Sheppard
San Diego State University

David Sheridan
Michigan State University

Wendi Sierra
Texas Christian University

Bruce Snaddon
Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Madeleine Sorapure
University of California Santa Barbara

Gina Szabady
Lane Community College

Jason Tham
Texas Tech University

Michael Trice

Derek Van Ittersum
Kent State University

Crystal VanKooten
Oakland University

Victor J. Vitanza
Clemson University

Joyce Walker
Illinois State University

Josie Walwema
University of Washington

Bob Whipple
Creighton University

Carl Whithaus
University of California, Davis

Bill Wolff
St. Joseph's University

Kathleen Blake Yancey
Florida State University

M. Remi Yergeau
Carlton University

Sean Zdenek
University of Delaware

Editorial Board Alumni

Jennifer Bowie

Collin Brooke

Nick Carbone

Eric Crump

Michael Day

Susan Delagrange

Dànielle Nicole DeVoss

Scott Lloyd DeWitt

Anthony Ellertson

James Elmborg

Joel English

Tari Lin Fanderclai

Kristie Fleckenstein

Kathie Gossett

Sibylle Gruber

Bill Hart-Davidson

Gail E. Hawisher

TyAnna Herrington

Kyle Jensen

Johndan Johnson-Eilola

Jim Kalmbach

Judith Kirkpatrick

Krista Homicz Millar

Ryan Moeller

Ted Nellen

Michael Palmquist

Patricia Webb Peterson

James E. Porter

Rebecca Rickly

Robert Samuels

Cynthia Selfe

Dickie Selfe

Geoffrey Sirc

Michael Spooner

Karl Stolley

Pamela Takayoshi

Janice R. Walker

John Paul Walter

Anne Wysocki