The final remediated video of "Making, Disrupting, Innovating"
This webtext design was modified from Editorial, a free responsive-design HTML5 template from HTML5 UP. Audio visualizations were made using ZoomSounds HTML5 Audio Player, under a license purchased from Envato Market. All images used in this webtext and in the remediated video are either the property of the authors, used with permission, or used under Creative Commons or fair use. All trademarks in the video are owned by the respective companies that Joyce highlighted, and the screenshots were taken from those companies' websites. Music in the video is used under Creative Commons. The original footage for the remediated video was provided by the National Council of Teachers of English and the convention center in Houston. We would especially like to thank Andrea Beaudin, the teaching assistant for New Media Rhetoric, for her patient assistance as we worked in Adobe Premiere Pro.
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