Lets Talk About Miiverse

The Death of The Miiverse

Many Nintendo fans began to wonder if Miiverse was going to be discontinued when the Nintendo Switch was released and was lacking the feature. This was unfortunately confirmed on August 29th, 2017 when Nintendo announced that they are going to be discontinuing the service on November 7th, 2017.

Here is a video posted by Youtube user dratopic recording the final moments of Miiverse's active service.

According to the official Nintendo of America FAQ that discusses the Miiverse shutdown "We decided to end the service at this time because, among other reasons, many users are shifting to social networking services."

Nintendo is referencing how the other two major game consoles on the market,Xbox One and Playstation 4, have the ability to make posts directly to social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Twitch. Nintendo tried this with its Miiverse posts by adding a share option for the posts in an update to the service, as seen in the image below, but it wasn't a very popular feature.

While this had the potential to open the platform up to new users by linking back to the Miiverse service in shared posts, this never really ended up being the case due to how underutilized the sharing options were among users.