Volume 9, Issue 1 Fall 2004
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ISSN 1521-2300
Write for Kairos



Krista Homicz
INTERVIEWS EDITOR, kinterviews@technorhetoric.net



New Literacies and Old: A Dialogue

Stuart Moulthropand Nancy Kaplan
"The two of us have spent about 25 years in various forms of action and reflection addressed to the future of writing. As the NEA was finishing its report we were in Hawaii, returning after too long an absence to the Conference on Computers and Writing. So when the editors of Kairos asked us to think together about some of the issues we raised in Honolulu -- concerns about the epistemologies of print and post-print cultures, multiple meanings of literacy, patterns of technological development, and the evolving relationship of word and image -- we saw an opportunity to explore a number of issues that we hope will interest those with a stake in reading, writing, and what comes next."

Building a Multiliteracy Center

Krista Homicz interviews David Sheridan
In this interview, David Sheridan shares what he has learned during his 2000-2003 efforts to build a Multiliteracy Center within the University of Michigan's Sweetland Writing Center. He provides us the realistic views and visionary arguments we might need to garner support and funding for building a Multiliteracy Center at our individual institutions. He also speaks candidly about the key challenges of directing such an endeavor in order to help us recognize possible obstacles and overcome them.
