Elise Silva
University of Pittsburgh
Elise is the former BYU Writing Programs Librarian. She holds an MA in English and a Master's of Library and Information Science. She is currently a PhD student in English composition at the University of Pittsburgh. Her sub-specialty is in digital humanities. She was the primary investigator on this research study and wrote the content for the website. She consulted and iterated with the web designer on the interactive features of the webtext.

Jessica Green
Brigham Young University
Jessica is the Writing Programs Supervisor at the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU. She has an MA in rhetoric and composition and teaches hundreds of students how to find and evaluate information each year. Her primary role in this research was to collect and analyze the data to identify patterns in student research behaviors.

Michael Mendoza
Imperial College London
Michael is a software developer and data scientist. He holds a BS and MS in electrical engineering. He is currently a PhD student in bioengineering at Imperial College London. His research is focused on medical imaging, machine learning, and data visualization. His primary role was the design and the development of this interactive webtext. (Source code for this webtext is available on his GitHub.)