Data: Paratextual Metadata

This page contains the raw tabular data upon which the visualizations and other tools build. Users are able to copy the data set into a spreadsheet or other format for use offline or in other tools. Contained here is information culled from paratextual documents such as readme files, including references to other modders, mods, community formations, software, or games). All data is collated from

Paratext-NameLang.UIDModderMod ReferencesModder ReferencesCommunity ReferencesSoftware ReferencesGame X-References
fullmoon_readme.txtJP2000-01-01-SMBFullMoonMana Mana   
Mario's Moon Adventure.txtEN2000-02-24-MoonAdventureRomulusMario MCBRomulus, Snowbro, Nintendo, McBeeROMulus' Hacked ROMs ShackHexposure, YY-ME, nesticle, SNES Tool, TileLayer 
Game Label.pngEN2002-11-02-SuperMushroomGaruna     
readme.txtJP2003-01-01-PlatinaMana Mana   
Read me.txtEN2004-05-28-Evolution2Googie GoogieTEKhacks SMB2J
Read I.txtEN2004-12-28-ShroomMare, 2004-12-28-ShroomMare-BShadic KP9000Aftershock, Sirius, Googie, Shadic, Nintendo, Dustminion, Charybdis, Wolfenhex, YY-CHR, Frank, DahrkDaizTEKhacks, Zophar's DomainSMBUtility 
DoN't ReAd!1.txtEN2005-05-04-JustinFriendsTheGreatWhiteDope TheGreatWhiteDope, 4matsy, Googie, McBeebetaworld SMB3
Toad's Adventure_v2_0.htmEN2005-07-06-ToadsAdvOmniverseLuigi Bros, Super Mario RemixOmniverse, DahrkDaiz, TFG, bbitmaster, Kefka, Danoz, xHiryu Lunar IPS, FCEUXDDuck Hunt
mariosmb3.txtEN2005-09-20-SMB3Patch-A, 2005-09-20-SMB3Patch-BAPStrange Mario Bros.AP, Anonymous Person, Nintendo, YY, M.K.S., DarKnight13, Acmlm, GodFileFarmerYY-CHR, SMBUtility, Kernel Software, S.M.B. RemodelerSMB3
No, don't look!.txtEN2005-10-01-LuigiChron-A, 2005-10-01-LuigiChron-BGoogieMario Panic 4Googie, AP, Sirius, 4matsy, TheGreatWhiteDope, Shadic, Mikachu   
look dammit!.txtEN2005-10-01-PeachsCream, 2005-10-01-PeachsCream12Googie Googie, AP, 4matsy, TheGreatWhiteDope, ShadicAcmlm's Board SMB2, Super Mario Land
MARIODX20.TXTEN2005-10-05-SMB-DX, 2005-10-05-SMB-Dxfixflamepanther Thraxen, _Blues_, flamepanther, AsTrOcReEp 2000, Sir_Kero, Skeeve/L0kii, sl1me, SnowBro, Taichou, law56ker, AP, Googie, HyperhackerZophar's Domain, #romhack channel of efnet, Xbox-Scene message boards, efnet, Acmlm's BoardFCE Ultra, Pasofami, TileLayerSMB3
書置き_EMB..txtJP2005-10-06-ExtraMBATA M.K.S., Mana, SMB Software, SMB Laboratory, ATASMB Laboratory BBSSMBUtility, WinIPS, S.M.B. Remodeler, YY-CHR, Stirling 
取扱説明書.htmlJP2005-10-06-ExtraMBATA ATA WinIPS 
afterworld8v1.1 (GFX).txtEN2006-02-11-AfterWorld8insectduelSuper Mario Bros. for Ultimate Players Part 3, Aftersmb2j, Luigi's Chronicles, Spikes Patchinsectduel, Googie, AP, Nintendo, YY, M.K.S., Mana, Beta, Brian Bennewitz, fleta, DJ Bouche, ???, Spel werdz rite, Frank15, Andres, SSMInsectduel's Domain, Ice Board, Acmlm's Board, Romendo BoardsYY-Snap, YY-CHR, SMBUtility, SMB Title Editor, Translhextion, SMB RelocaverburatorSMB2J, SMB Deluxe
Password.txtEN2006-02-11-AfterWorld8insectduel  Ice Board, Romendo Board, Acmlm's Board  
gothic bros readme.txtEN2006-03-08-SuperGothicpartyghoul2000Rom Hacker, Mario's Crazy Dream, Luigi's Ghost WorldPartyghoul Productions, Partyghoul2000, Nintendo, Acmlm's BoardFCE Ultra, Nestopia, nesticle, Jnes, Nessie, NNNesterJ, RockNES, Lunar IPS, SMBUtility, Mario's Beauty Salon, NES Graphics Extractor/Inserter, SMB1 Rom Text Editor, SMB Title Editor, SMB RemodelerZelda, Metroid, Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion
README.txtEN2006-03-13-SMB-HFHF Games Nintendo, HF Games, Matthew Waggett, Hefty Fetus, Ben, Brandon(Jiggy!), Jake, Scott NesterJ, Lunar IPS, SMBUtility, YY-MESMB2J, SMB3, Super Mario World
Export.txtEN2006-03-15-Paradyce, 2006-03-15-ParadyceA, 2006-03-15-ParadyceB, 2006-03-15-ParadyceC, 2006-03-15-ParadyceDinsectduel     
Paradyce.txtEN2006-03-15-Paradyce, 2006-03-15-ParadyceA, 2006-03-15-ParadyceB, 2006-03-15-ParadyceC, 2006-03-15-ParadyceDinsectduelAfter World 8, SMB all star levelsinsectduel, Dragonsbrethren, fleta, Fakegod, Brian Bennewitz, Bloodthirst Software, YY, M.K.S., AP, NintendoInsectduel's DomainSMB2 Discombobulator, TileLayer, YY-CHR, SMB TSA Editor, NES Palette Editor, Translhextion, nesticle, SMBUtilitySMB2, SMB2J, SMB3
READ!1one.txtEN2006-06-03-SuperLocoGoogieNoise BombGoogie, Dragonsbrethren, 4matsy, TheGreatWhiteDope, Sirius, Yudaidhun   
Don't Read....txtEN2006-09-28-EvolutionGoogieMario Evolution 2, Waluigi's AdventureShadic, TheGreatWhiteDope, AP, AlexAR, insectduel, Googie, 4matsy, Dragonsbrethren, Rockman, Chill Penguin (a.k.a. Ice Ranger), Ice RangerTEKhacks  
TTQReadme.txtEN2006-12-06-ToadTreasureAlexARSMB Bowser's Jumping ChallengeAlexAR, Googie SMBUtilitySMB3
SMBC readme....txtEN2006-12-17-SMBChallengeGoogie Googie, x-4000, WhooHooD'oh, Viper_X, DeathKnightChallenge Games, Zophar's Domain, Acmlm's Board  
The Challenge Games Community.htmEN2006-12-17-SMBChallengeGoogie x-4000, WhooHooD'oh, Viper_XChallenge Games, Acmlm's Board SMB3, SMB2
Readme.txtEN2007-01-01-Greyscale, 2007-01-01-GreyscaleBDave Augusta Me_Dave, Klowner, Silver X nesticle, FCE Ultra, VirtuaNES, Nessie, Nesten, Famtasia, Lunar IPSZelda
readme..that file no one ever looks at.txtEN2007-06-09-KirbyAdv2-0, 2007-06-09-KirbyAdv2-1Darkdata Darkdata, Nintendo  Kirby
+_+ You won't read this....txtEN2007-10-12-TimeTickingGoogieMario in Time FliesGoogie, Harmony7, bman101, Onyxyte  SMB3
Manual and FAQ (SMB - Ninja Insanity).docEN2008-01-12-NinjaInsanityDanteRulesSuper Mario Forever, a.k.a. Super Mario FrustrationDanteRules, TANE Productions, DanteRules (a.k.a. ExoticCharm), ExoticCharm, M.K.S., YY SMBUtility, YY-CHRTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
readME.txtEN2008-04-13-PixelKingdomTyrukia Tyrukia, Damian P.Romhacking.netLunar IPS 
Readme_v2.txtEN2008-10-25-LadyOpera, 2008-10-25-LadyOpera-0Darkdata Nintendo, Darkdata, Doppelganger, Dr. Floppy, frantik, BMF, Tanks, Nightcrawler#nesdev, #x, efnet, Jul, Romhacking.netLunar IPS, SMBUtility, Super Mario Title Editor, Super Tile Editor, YY-CHR, Tile Molester, WindhexZelda, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, Doki Doki Panic, Rolan's Curse, Alfred Chicken, Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
spartanbrosReadme.txtEN2008-11-17-SpartanBrosBelial The Hedgehog Googie, John, Nick, Joel, Ju, Sarah, Tyler, Shawna, Belial The Hedgehog SMBUtility, YY-MEHalo
Readme_v2_TOAD.txtEN2008-12-23-ToadXmasDarkdata Nintendo, Darkdata, Doppelganger, Dr. Floppy, frantik, BMF, Tanks, Nightcrawler#nesdev, #x, #Somethingwitty, efnet, Jul, Romhacking.netLunar IPS, SMBUtility, Super Mario Title Editor, Super Tile Editor, YY-CHR, Tile Molester, Windhex 
tkb-smb1.txtEN2009-02-20-TKB-SMBTKB TKB, Nintendo  SMB2J
README.txtEN2009-02-23-MrSandmanThe Eadernator     
readme.txtEN2009-06-30-MegamanSMBwillj168 willj168  Megaman
readme.txtEN2009-07-08-StrangeFixKilla BStrange Mario Bros.    
tkb-smb1-v2.txtEN2010-02-19-TKB-SMB-2TKB Taryn B. (aka Terra or TKB), Taryn B., Terra, TKB, Nintendo, OnyxJulNestopia, FCEUXSMB2J
readme.txtEN2010-09-11-ImpossibrosJacic Jacob White (aka Jacic), Jacob White, JacicRomhacking.netLunar IPS 
Readme_v2_TOADETTE.txtEN2010-12-13-ToadetteXmasDarkdata Darkdata, NintendoJul, Romhacking.netLunar IPS, SMBUtility, Super Mario Title Editor, Super Tile Editor, YY-CHR, Tile Molester, Windhex, SMB Graphics WorkshopSMB2
Readme - Léeme.txtEN, SP2011-07-20-SMB3-GraphicsSogun     
readme.txtEN2011-07-29-SMB-RebirthRemz Lab Remz Lunar IPS 
YoonA.txtEN2011-08-07-YoonA, 2011-08-07-YoonA-Bw7n w7n, GAP, Mars, Gu'an Bank, Imknown, Sprite, Dr.Floppy, Nintendo, S.M.Entertainment   
Readme.txtEN2011-11-19-Insectduel6thinsectduel  Insectduel's Domain  
SuperMarioUnlimitedManual.txtEN2012-01-17-SMUnlimitedfrantik Dr. Floppy, Coinheaven, Googie, Curses   
READMEEN2012-05-05-SMBSpecialLevi “Karatorian” Aho Levi "Karatorian" Aho, Nintendo, Hudson Soft, Karatorian, Bitch in the Red Dress, frantik, SMB2J-2Q, Doppleganger, Andrew "Prez" Culver, Prez, YY, M.K.S., tkdrg, Guido Van Rossum et al, SnowBro, Disch, DahrkDaiz, _Bnu, Hybrid, Levi AhoRomhacking.nethexedit, bnuview, romjuice, YY-ME, SMBUtility, pysr, Python, cc65, Tile Molester, FCE Ultra, mednafen, PC88WIN.EXESuper Mario Bros. Special
README.txtJP2012-06-12-SpecialX1Messatu Levi "Karatorian" Aho, M.K.S. VirtuaNES, Nestopia, GNES, NNNesterJ, FCEUX, YY-CHR, WinIPS, StirlingSuper Mario Bros. Special
ReadMe.txtEN2012-11-17-SMBExtended, 2012-11-17-SMBExtended2P, 2012-11-17-SMBExtendedGFXinsectduelAfter World 8insectduel, Googie, YYInsectduel's Domain, Romhacking.netFCE Ultra, SMB Fix, ISD SMBUtility, SMB Mapper, Translhextion, YY-CHRSMB2J, SMB Deluxe
MarioReadMe.txtEN2013-03-09-ColorFixSpooniestLuigi Color FixSCD, Spooniest   
edb.txtEN2013-04-26-ExtremeDanger, 2013-04-26-ExtremeDangerBPOISON XSupreme ice brosinsectduel VirtuaNES, NESten, Game genie, SMBUtility, Mario's Beauty Salon 
Readme.rtfEN2013-05-08-NHMFTDN, 2013-05-08-NHMFTDN-OLDHaxorKyo     
its not like you read me or anything.txtEN2014-04-21-YASHKdeee J^P, flamepanther VirtuaNES, nestopia, nesticle, vNes, Pocketnes, FCE Ultra GX, retro arc, gentoo 
Readme.txtEN2014-09-11-SuperBeardABOhiccups   Lunar IPS 
Cemetery Bros Manual.txtEN2014-10-02-CemeteryBrosMegafield64