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Photo Credits
1Photographic reproduction of Margaret Carpenter portrait of Ada Lovelace, 1836, from Wikimedia Commons
2Photo courtesy of Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1938 public domain publicity still
3Photo by James Davis courtesy of U.S. Naval Historical Center Online Library, Photograph NH 96919-KN
4Photo courtesy of Cynthia L. Selfe
5Photo courtesy of Gail E. Hawisher
Book cover photo courtesy of the MIT Press
Book cover photo courtesy of Knopf/Doubleday
1Photo courtesy of Dánielle Nicole DeVoss
2Photo courtesy of Angela Haas and Erin Clark Frost
3Photo courtesy of Pamela Takayoshi
4Photo courtesy of Stephanie Vie
Book cover photo courtesy of Peter Lang Publishers
1Photo courtesy of Alex Layne
2Photo courtesy of Jacqueline Rhodes
3Photo courtesy of Rebecca Rickly
4Photo courtesy of Kathleen Blake Yancey
1Photo courtesy of Kristin L. Arola
2Photo courtesy of Emi Bunner
3Photo courtesy of Mary Hocks
4Photo courtesy of Janice Walker
1Photo courtesy of Jen Almjeld
2Photo courtesy of Alex Layne
3Photo courtesy of Qilai Shen, from Wikimedia Commons
4Photo courtesy of the U.S. Army, from the archives of the ARL Technical Library
1Photo courtesy of Estee N. Beck
2Photo courtesy of Kristine L. Blair
3Photo courtesy of Mariana C. Grohowski