The Project:
The Derry-Dublin-Poughkeepsie Hyperfiction Narrative Workshop is a new project that began in
late January 1997. The project, designed by Irish hyperfiction authors Noah Pivnick and
Rachel Buswell, helps participants to learn, use, and promote the concept of hyperfiction
authoring, and
trans-border (as in the Northern Irish border)/trans-atlantic collaborative writing. The workshop
sessions themselves meet in person, but are linked via the Web to each site, one in Derry,
Northern Ireland, one in Dublin, Ireland, and one in Poughkeepsie, NY. The project also features
eminent hyperfiction pioneer, Michael Joyce, heading the Poughkeepsie site.
What's It All About?
The best way to describe the project is to quote its Website:
The stuff of this venture is not techno-evangelism; there will be no pretense to instruct.
The intuition was fairly straightforward, if not a little naive -- simply put: a narrative
whose telling is simultaneously connected and disjointed and a cultural circumstance
which is described by its particular pattern of cleft and affinity may in fact be
well-equipped to inform one another. Hypertext offers one modality with which to map
the void that exists, despite absolute proximity, between the two estranged Irelands. In
doing so, perhaps contemporary Irish writers are in a position to shape the course of
hypertext narrative and in refining the aesthetic, to contribute to its authentication.
The workshop will consist of two groups of Irish writers, one in Derry and the other in
Dublin. Writers will explore narrative applications of hypertext cooperatively, both groups
contributing to local, cross-border, and trans-Atlantic networked communities via internet
connectivity. The third party in the ensuing polylogue will be an electronic composition
class at Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, New York) conducted by hyperfiction author,
Michael Joyce.
The workshop will be fourteen (14) weeks in duration, beginning the last week in
January and running through the second week in May.
There will be a limited number of places available in each location.
Groups will meet weekly on Thursday nights for a three hour session. Each week, two of
the three participating groups will congregate on line to confer in real time in a text-based
virtual environment. Gatherings will follow a triangular circuit, resulting in the relay-like
effect of the unfolding dialogue. "
What's Going On With It Now?
As noted, the project began in the last week in January 1997. The team has encouraged writer to
participate, whether technologically savvy or not. Ownership of a computer is
recommended, but not required. HTML knowledge is also not required. The team will provide the
facilities for the on-line composition, as well as the software (with the understanding that the
software must be purchased or returned at the workshop's end). The Hyperfiction Narrative
Workshop's Website provides a form for interested persons to fill out to join the
workshop. They note, however, that spaces are limited. The website also provides mailto:s so
interested persons may e-mail the project's leaders.
Click a link to see a description of the project:
| Project Gutenberg | Epiphany | Composition in Cyberspace | Crossroads
| Hyperfiction Narrative Workshop | Netoric | Jesters |
Click to Visit a Site:
| Project Gutenberg | Epiphany | Composition in
Cyberspace | Crossroads |
| Annenberg/CPB | Hyperfiction
Narrative Workshop |
Netoric | Jesters |
Direct comments to Scott Kapel