Career Discourse: Twitter
From Wikipedia: "Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as 'tweets.'"

"Twitter can foster the combined knowledge creation of a group better…because Twitter facilitates sharing of ideas beyond the classroom via an online platform that allows readily available access at random times to continue such discussion"(19). – Eva Kassen-Noor
- Begins as part of Odeo. (There is also an alternative version of the founding that suggests it might not be such a neat story.)
- Enters the wider discourse at the 2007 South by Southwest Interactive Conference
- "New Twitter" introduced beginning in September of 2010, when the interface switched to the current view
Twitter in Education
- Twitter for Good: Changing the World One Tweet at a Time
- Kathleen Blake Yancey's 2009 "Writing By Any Other Name"
- Jennifer and Christopher Veselto's 2010 "Teaching Responsibly with Technology Mediated Communication"
- Jesse Stommel's 2012 "The Twitter Essay" from Hybrid Pedagogy
- Dr. Monica Rankin's Twitter Experiment:
"Agency emerges from the interplay… [between] the dual roles of individual and communal agency…[and] the degree to which people are empowered or not empowered by their adoption or rejection of technologies" (145). - Agency in the Age of Peer Production
Twitter and Politics
- US diplomacy now sometimes happens in 140 characters
- The US Embassy in Cairo fueds with the governing Muslim Brotherhood on Twitter
- Congressman Anthony Weiner uses Twitter, shall we say, injudiciously
- Mideast protestors use Facebook and Twitter to organize protests
Twitter and Pop Culture
- The Mars Rover discusses its landing via Twitter
- Vince Young searches for a job via Twitter
Haiku Remediation: Twitter and the Classroom
This Tweet acts as a relay for my sketch of Twitter: Twitter may open a way to shift the locus of control in the classroom.