College Composition and Communication Online

CCC Interactive

CCC Interactive is an Internet forum for discussing the articles published in CCC.

Welcome to CCC Interactive, an Internet forum for discussing the articles published in CCC: College Composition and Communication (beginning with the February 2000 issue). Compared to most electronic discussion forums and listservs, CCC Interactive is intended to have a fairly narrow focus: only the material published in CCC.

The forum is organized according to each issue of the journal (see index below). To comment on a specific article, enter the sub-forum for that issue of the journal (for example, 51.4 June 2000) and click on the post for the article you have in mind. The initial post for the article will contain an abstract. To add your comments, then choose "Post Followup," carefully enter your name and email address, and input your comments in the "message" box. You might try composing your response in a word processor first and then cutting and pasting your text into the message box. The article abstract will be automatically inserted in the message box, and you can include this abstract in your response wholly or partially. You can also delete the abstract from your response altogether, and you might choose to quote a different passage from the article. Formatting such as italics, boldface, tab indention, and "smart quotes" will not work in this forum. Use white space to separate paragraphs in your comments. Be sure to click the "submit" button when finished composing your response.

Please avoid using the "Post Message" option because this will start a new thread. Ideally, all comments will be directly linked to a specific article and organized according to the forum's threaded structure. Thus, in most every circumstance, it is better to use the "Post Followup" option to connect your comments to a specific CCC article rather than using the "Post Message" option to begin a new thread.

The editors will remove inappropriate comments, especially comments that do not provide complete name and email information.

Click here to view current, active discussion forums

To comment on a specific article:
  1. enter the sub-forum for that issue of the journal (for example, 51.4 June 2000),
  2. click on the post for the article you have in mind,
  3. choose "Post Followup,"
  4. carefully enter your name and email address,
  5. input your comments in the "message" box,
  6. include, revise, or delete the abstract that will be automatically embedded in the message box,
  7. after proofreading your comments, click the "submit" button.

Click here to view current, active discussion forums


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