More (*Intro List) | backRecommended Reading
John Berger
PoeticsRobert Frank
- *Another Way of Telling
Lee Friedlander
- The Americans
- The American Monument
Giorgio Agamben
- The Coming Community
Experiments with "quodlibet" as a form and an image category (takes up where Barthes' "punctum" leaves off).Maurice Blanchot
- *Poetics
The origins of the mode; on tragedy.Michel de Certeau
- The Writing of the Disaster
The Neutral, the OutsideThe Mystic Fable: Vol One. The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Helene Cixous
The generative operations of the mystic phrase ("circumcision").Jacques Derrida
- Readings: the Poetics of Blanchot, Joyce, Kafka, Kleist, Lispector, Tsvetayeva
Her readings are themselves almost prose poems.- *Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing
Three schools: the Dead, Dreams, Roots.Martin Heidegger
- Signsponge
Locates the signature generating Ponge's poetry.Susan Howe
- Poetry, Language, Thought
Thinking from the gift (ex gibt).James Michael Jarrett
- The Birth-Mark
Exemplary fusion of critical and poetic writing by an artist associated with the language poets.Craig J. Saper
- Drifting On A Read: Jazz as a Model for Writing
Invents an interface facilitating composition in a jazz modality.
- Artificial Mythologies: A Guide to Cultural Invention
Using Barthes Empire of Signs as a relay, develops a poetics of mythographyJane Hirshfield
RhetoricEzra Pound
- *Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry
The figure as a logic, a mode of thoughtWallace Stevens
- The Cantos
The vortex as historical strange attractorWilliam Carlos Williams
- "An Ordinary Evening in New Haven"
A verse poetics
- Paterson
Place, the city, the walkAristotle
Theory (Contemporary)Roland Barthes,
- Rhetoric
Kenneth Burke
- *"The Old Rhetoric: an aide-memoire," in The Semiotic Challenge
Unable to find a useful review of classical rhetoric, Barthes decided to write one.Bernard Dupriez
- A Rhetoric of Motives
see also: A Grammar of Motives
- A Dictionary of Literary Devices: Gradus, A-Z
Roland Barthes
Theory (History of)Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
- S/Z
Perhaps the single most useful of Barthes' books (the 5 codes of narrative).Fredric Jameson
- Kafka
Most of the arguments of the "big" books, in brief, applied to Kafka (minor literature).Julia Kristeva
- The Political Unconscious
Marx, Greimas, narrativeJean-FranCois Lyotard
- Powers of Horror
Poststructural psychoanalysis: on abjectionPeter Sloterdijk
- The Differend: Phrases in Dispute
Adapts Wittgenstein's language games to poststructuralism
- Critique of Cynical Reason
Shows the full implications of taking Diogenes seriously as a philosophical prototypeRene Descartes
Sigmund Freud
- *Discourse on Method
The case for Cogito, ergo sumNiccolo Machiavelli
- *On Dreams
The short version; dreams = poetry = logic (conduction)Kark Marx
- The Prince
Machiavelli does for practical reason what Descartes does for pure reason (theory).Friedrich Nietzsche
- The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Radical journalism at its bestPlato
- On The Genealogy of Morals
"Genealogy" and the hermeneutics of suspicionBaruch Spinoza
- *Phaedrus
The first discourse on method in the Western tradition.
- Ethics
Conatus, metaphysics of imaginationTypography
- Erik Spiekermann, E. M. Ginger, Stop Stealing Sheep & find out how type works,
font faces express emotion.