me Kairos 28.2: Johnson-Eilola, Stories and Maps: Postmodernism and Professional Communication – Of Other Spaces

Stories and Maps: Postmodernism and Professional Communication

Johndan Johnson-Eilola

"Of Other Spaces"

As usual, Foucault (1984/1986) saw this earlier:

The great obsession of the nineteenth century was, as we know, history: with its themes of development and of suspension, of crisis and cycle, themes of the ever-accumulating past, with its great preponderance of dead men and the menacing glaciation of the world. The nineteenth century found its essential mythological resources in the second principle of thermodynamics. The present epoch will perhaps be above all the epoch of space. We are in the epoch of simultaneity: we are in the epoch of juxtaposition, the epoch of the near and the far, of the side-by-side, of the dispersed. We are at the moment, I believe, when our experience of the world is less that of a long life developing through time than that of a network that connects points and intersects with its own skein. One could perhaps say that certain ideological conflicts animating present-day polemics oppose the pious descendants of time and the determined inhabitants of space. (p. 23)

Space functions differently than it used to: Space is to be held, controlled, overcome in a quest for the extraction of profit.

[intro] [map]