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A drawing of a handshake A pencil scribbling a line Five interlocking circles symbolizing the five canons of rhetoric Four hands reaching out to meet in the middle An open laptop Five interlocking circles symbolizing the five canons of rhetoric Four hands reaching out to meet in the middle A computer with speech bubbles on the screen An open laptopA pencil scribbling a line A profile view of a face with an open mouth to indicate speech A person with shoulder-length hair looking at their reflection in the mirror Interlocking puzzle pieces Five interlocking circles symbolizing the five canons of rhetoric Four hands reaching out to meet in the middle Five interlocking circles symbolizing the five canons of rhetoric Four hands reaching out to meet in the middle An open laptop A pencil scribbling a line A computer with speech bubbles on the screen A person with shoulder-length hair looking at their reflection in the mirror A profile view of a face with an open mouth to indicate speech Interlocking puzzle pieces Five interlocking circles symbolizing the five canons of rhetoric Four hands reaching out to meet in the middle