Kairos: A Journal For Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments

Kairos  is now seeking applications for the following permanent staff positions:

News Editor

The News Editor is responsible for coordinating the NewsWired, Conference Wrap-Up, InterMOO, News You Can Use, and Calls for Participation sections of the journal, working directly with contributors and with the Managing Editor. The News Editor will also participate actively in all staff discussions, meetings, and decisions, using online media, and will be encouraged to creatively develop new ways to present "News" in a peer-reviewed online publication.

This position will begin immediately for work toward publication of issue 3.1 in March 1998, and lasts one full year (two issues) with indefinite renewability at the discretion and agreement of both the candidate and the Editor.

Required: Excellent writing and editing skills, knowledge of file transfer protocol, listserv and MOO communication; experience in online publishing venues preferred. Please send inquiries via email, including resume URL or attachment to Managing Editor Claudine Keenan [cgk4@psu.edu] for consideration.

Copy Editors

Applicants should possess: strong copy editing skills; a working knowledge of a word-processing software package; the ability to upload and download files from a UNIX server; and the ability to work under deadline pressure. Prefer knowledge of HTML.

This position will begin immediately for work toward publication of issue 3.1 in March 1998, and lasts one full year (two issues) with indefinite renewability at the discretion and agreement of both the candidate and the Editor.

Please e-mail questions and an application letter -- including the URL to your online resume, a brief summary of your writing, editing, and academic background -- to Sandye Thompson [sandyet@eaze.net], Chief Copy Editor.

Staff Archivist

The Kairos  Staff Archivist will be responsible for leading policy development regarding the storage of and access to webtexts featured in the journal; streamlining access paths to and from earlier and more recent issues; developing a plan of action for marketing a Kairos  CD-ROM version; contributing to all staff discussions regarding publication, interface design, and other issues.

This position is a new one, and will be re-defined as the process continues; creative applicants willing to work toward re-imagining the position are encouraged to apply. This position will begin immediately for work toward publication of issue 3.1 in March 1998, and lasts one full year (two issues) with indefinite renewability at the discretion and agreement of both the candidate and the Editor.

Required: Excellent writing and editing skills; HTML (DHTML a plus); use of web-based interface tools such as Java, ActiveX, etc., will be considered, but experience is not necessary.

Please email questions and an application letter -- including the URL to your online resume -- to Editor & Publisher Mick Doherty [mick@rpi.edu].

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