External Links for "The Online Tutor as Cross-Curricular Double Agent"
This page lists all the external links (links to material outside Kairos space) so that you will have some idea of why we originally included them if they become inaccessible in the future.
- The DSU OWL Web site, which points to http://www.dsu.edu/departments/liberal/cola/OWL/, links to the Online Writing Lab at Dakota State University. This is the OWL from which we gathered our data and to which we have begun to apply our findings.
- One-to-one Conferencing: A Bibliography, which points to http://www2.colgate.edu/diw/rmh/COMP/Pedagogy/1-2-1.html, links to a bibliography on one-to-one conferencing prepared by Rebecca Moore Howard, of the Department of Interdisciplinary Writing at Colgate University.
- The Writing Center Bibliography, which points to http://www2.colgate.edu/diw/Pegg/WCBib.html#Murphy, links to a bibliography on Writing Centers prepared by Bruce Pegg at Colgate University.
- Responding to Writing: A Bibliography, which points to http://www2.colgate.edu/diw/rmh/COMP/Pedagogy/Rspg.html, links to a bibliography on responding to writing prepared Rebecca Moore Howard, of the Department of Interdisciplinary Writing at Colgate University.
- The OWL Bibliography, which points to http://www.dsu.edu/~ericssop/OWL/admin.htm, links to a bibliography on OWLs which was prepared by the students of Patricia Ericsson at Dakota State University.