Deconstructing Composition: A Review of Patricia Suzanne Sullivan's Experimental Writing in Composition: Aesthetics and Pedagogies
by Logan Hudspeth
This review provides the perspective of a first semester freshman composition instructor of Patricia Suzanne Sullivan's (2012) text about experimental writing—that is, writing that is avant-garde, innovative, and new, and that could potentially be used in place of traditional academic writing. It is not a text advocating specifically for these types of writing in the classroom, but instead one about experimental writing that already exists and the politics surrounding it. She also discusses the crises that might arise from using experimental writing within a traditional composition classroom.
A transcript of the video review and book purchasing information follow the video review.
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Sullivan, Patricia Suzanne. (2012). Experimental writing in composition: Aesthetics and pedagogies. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
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Product Information
Book: Experimental Writing in Composition: Aesthetics and Pedagogies
By: Patricia Suzanne Sullivan
Author's Website: http://patriciasuzannesullivan.com
ISBN: 0-8229-6208-X
Published by: University of Pittsburgh Press
Price: $24.95 Paperback