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"I and a girlfriend roomed together. Above the restaurant. There was an apartment-like. Actually, nothing where you could cook or something because you'd get your meals down in the, in the restaurant. But I remember one time..."
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"But I never really drove much because I, I babysat a couple of children that also worked for the Carnation Milk Company. And I didn't like to take kids in the car when I hadn't been driving very much."
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"My grandfather must have been quite sick with the tuberculosis because he, in the hospital, he didn't come home again. And we couldn't go in the room where he was. We could go to the door."
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"Of course my mom was, well, she didn't have transportation, but she got some of the neighbors to drive her down there. And then he told her. He told her. So I didn't get a chance to do that."
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"So my neighbor, actually, actually at the time, she was my friend, as well, and that was Grandpa's former wife… she volunteered—this was before she was real ill—she volunteered to drive, to teach me how to drive."
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"I never felt badly to my mother for that because even then I could kind of realize that she would be blamed—of course she was blamed, but they didn't, they wouldn't… I don't know. I didn't try to understand it."
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"I remember a time we were supposed to recite a nursery rhyme. This was to the whole group. And my cousins in front of me turned around and whispered to me, "Say the one about the barber, barber, shave the pig..."
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"Every now and then a chicken got to the dinner table. I remember that. That was quite a—kind of an inhumane way of killing a chicken, I think. I know they used to catch 'em, grab 'em by the neck and swing 'em around."
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"I remember Chuck saying when he got there, he looked at what they said that his mom was. And he said, "That's not my mother." He thought, he thought it didn't even look like her anymore from, evidently, the heart attack."
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"...it weighed heavy on her all this time and that's why she finally—when she was in the TB sanatorium, she'd become a Christian, and she just felt this was something she had to tell. Just to clear her own life, I guess."
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"I wasn't always comfortable driving at first because I wasn't used to it, and I hadn't really been allowed to. So, but I felt more—not so trapped, you know, when I could. Because I used to have to walk to the store."
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"I didn't want to bother the neighbors, so I took a bus downtown to where I worked, and it was in a hotel. So I was in the lobby and I called her from there. That's when she told me that Dad had had the accident."
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"Helen used to tell me how Grandpa would, she would, he would sleep on the couch in the same room where her bed was. But, a lot of times she woke up and she could hear him crying. So it was hard for him when she passed away."
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"I was working in Fargo, North Dakota as a waitress... It wasn't a real high class restaurant. It was more like a cafe... Some of the clientele were—especially the younger boys—they'd just do things to irritate you."
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"The vacation we took most of the time, practically all the time, was to the State Park at Curlew. Tent Camping—I loved tent camping. And fish, of course. That was the main thing there, was the fishing."
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"This sounds horrible, but it isn't really. They would put the pig's head in—after they had taken all the hair and scraped the skin and everything—put it in the copper boiler on the coal and wood stove. Let it boil for an hour."
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"She came running up to me, and she said, "Come on down!..." So I went down, and, and she had a mirror and she was putting it up in front of—Helen was his first wife's name—her face, and there was nothing, nothing."
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"Anyhow, this one side of the road, one side of Aurora Avenue that we lived on. It was a pretty busy street, this one street that ran down. And I didn't have, I didn't have any fenced in yard or anything like that..."
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"Of course, I was embarrassed. But she, I, I just—when Barb got home, I put her in the little red wagon and we'd go downtown and I'd do what I had to do. And, of course, all the girls my age were always curious…"
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"I called my mom. My mom is a twin, and my grandmother hand several—well, several? I don't know… Three? I'm not sure how—three or four. Maybe three sets of twins? Maybe more. I don't remember. But anyway, I called my mom..."
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"And then another—they were pickin' on him, it seems like! There was an empty lot across the street, and they came, a couple of boys came across a beehive or something. Bees on the ground, a bees' nest…"
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"I know when I, whenever I've missed church, I've always had everybody come up afterwards, especially after I missed two Sundays in a row, and they all know that I have cancer, so..."
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"Her name was Dorothy. Eckman. And I used to go stay at her, with her parents. Just for visiting, you know, in the summertime… She had epilepsy. It seems to me that they called it Saint Vitus' Dance or something. I'm not sure..."
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"We, we rented a house down on Maplewood Drive in Burien, and we were married there, at home. And my—I had a friend that lived in Mountlake Terrace, and she was our bridesmaid."
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"They came back—they were living in Hawaii and they came back here because he had contracted tuberculosis. So... And they come to our house. Yeah. In Burien. And I was very uncomfortable with that…"