Road Map
Interstates are fast but all look the same. "Real" roads, while slower, are the way the world really works. It's the same for templates vs. code. In the mid-2000s, as an MFA student faced with a cyber-project requirement and clueless about templates' existence, I created Road Trip from scratch, like the idiot who didn't know how to read a map and missed the snappy interstate. Yet taking the road less traveled made all the difference, just as Robert Frost said. This webtext has pedagogical and theoretical intentions that allow readers to reflect on why we should learn to code. Read how and why in this section.
Road Way
For that cyber-lit project, I decided to ask (and create a website that would answer): What is cyberlit? How is it different from print lit? Is it really literarily "new?" Will books become obsolete? Does it turn writers into programmers? And how to publish cyberliterature? A writer exploring cyberspace as literary space has such questions. And while 2011 makes some of these questions seem old hat, in 2004 they were still pressing and many of the answers haven't changed since then. This FAQ-like look back at the nascent field of cyberpoetry is a useful pedagogical tool to introduce students to e-literature.
Road Reverie
For a writer to explore cyberspace as literary space means ultimately to explore it as creative space. Here is a no-frills literary hypertext experiment of what can be done with basic coding: A travel memoir cybertrip. While I hope you enjoy the creative piece, I also offer it as a companion to the theory and e-lit styles outlined in the above section. For beginning e-lit authors, the two sections present a student model for analysis, critique, and enjoyment.

Click before you go: ‘The Road’ |
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A writer's exploration
of cyberspace as literary space |
Road Trip taken/created by
Lynda R. Stephenson
