K A I R O SA Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments
Volume 6, Issue 2 Fall 2001
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ISSN 1521-2300
Sponsored By: The Alliance for computers and WritingCall for Hypertexts


Upon Further Review . . .

Gail Corso, Jennifer Stimson & Rich Rice
co-Reviews Editors, kreviews@earthlink.net

This issue's Reviews consider how various texts challenge writing teachers to rethink not only writing instruction, but writing itself. "Literacy" as we know it is being reshaped in many ways. As Kolko, Regan, and Romano point out in Writing in an Electronic World, we teach students "living through the large-scale shift from a print to an electronic culture – students who might learn in networked composition classrooms, who might participate in electronic reading and writing forums, and who are all confronted with the challenge of preparing for life and work in the twenty-first century" (xv).

More information about each text is available.

New Worlds, New Words (Barber and Grigar) Writing Space (Bolter) Global Literacies and the World Wide Web (Hawisher and Selfe)
Writing in an Electronic World (Kolko, Regan, and Romano) Teachers and Technoliteracy (Lankshear, Snyder, and Green) Body Talk (Lay, Gurak, Gravon, Longino, and Kohlstedt)

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