Many individuals and organizations have supported this project, and it wouldn't have been possible without the contributions and feedback that they've offered. Foremost, I would like to thank the firefighters, leaders, and the fire instructors affiliated with the "Alliance Fire District Training Facility" who made this project possible through their material and intellectual contributions. I am grateful to the feedback I received on early versions of the project from Libby Miles, Kim Hensley Owens, Kristin Johnson, and Renee Hobbs. I am thankful to the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing for hosting Research Methods Workshops. In particular, Jeff Grabill's (2011) "Research Methods in Action Research," Anne Frances Wysocki's (2013) "Analyzing Multimodal Data," and Clay Spinuzzi's (2016) "Modeling Qualitative Data" gave rise to conversations and connections that helped me reconsider and refine my approach toward methodology and analysis in this project. In particular, I'd like to offer a special thanks to William Hart-Davidson, Emma Rose, and Ann Shivers-McNair, who offered valuable feedback on this project during those workshops. I'm thankful for Chris Lindgren, who helped identify and resolve a longstanding .js issue that I had been having with the visualizations. I'm also grateful for Dànielle Nicole DeVoss and John Gallagher for holding space for this project in the special issue, as well as their sage editorial guidance. Finally, I am thankful to the peer reviewers who provided feedback on this project, and especially appreciative of the Kairos editors who devote extensive time, care, and expertise to review, design edit, and copyedit webtexts, ensuring that scholarship in digital rhetoric and technical and professional communication is accessible and sustainable.


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