

Reviewed by Elkie Burnside


The following clips provide a brief critique of the content and overall design of the book. The first clip examines an example sequence this reviewer created based on Writer/Designer. The final set of clips provides opening thoughts, a chapter-by-chapter critique and closing thoughts on the text. These critiques are based on several semesters of instruction with the text. Brief descriptions outline the main ideas in each clip; clips do not need to be listened to in order to be understandable.

ENGL272: Introduction to Technical Communication

Burnside provides an overview of how she developed a sequence of assignments using the multimodal composing principles for a Technical Writing sequence (Read assignments and a sequence description). (length 5:47)


Textual Critique

Burnside discusses strengths of the text and areas users may want to consider when planning for instruction. This assessment is based on teaching with the text in three different types of classes over several semesters. Two instructor resources are mentioned in the critique. These are briefly described and linked to below.

Instructor Guide: This PDF is provided free and includes:

Introduction – Further details of the theoretical background for the text
Annotated table of contents – Connecting the e-Pages, in-text activities, and the overall scope of the text together on a chapter-by-chapter basis
Sample syllabi – Three different approaches to incorporating the text into classes
Assessment of multimodal work – Instructional strategies and sample grading policy for multimodal work
Annotated bibliography – Further foundational texts on the theories and practices that shaped the text
xi: Visualizing Composition: This online resource is offered free to students purchasing the text and provides further activities and enrichment that teach vocabulary and frameworks for multimodal composing.

Opening Thoughts and Chapters 1 to 4 (length 7:10)


Chapters 5 to 8 and Overall Critique (length 6:45)
